America has always been Israel’s greatest ally. But, there now exists a great body of Americans who believe the Palestinians are caught up in the middle of this conflict, basically between the  Hamas terrorists and Israel. Each wanting a pound of each others flesh–in the form of their respective ashes.

Rockets continue to bombard both warring countries. The Hamas terrorist raid ignited this whole mess–again. Now Israel is in the process of doing away with the northern part of Gaza and any people that can’t escape their military advance.

Meanwhile, Israel takes out whole housing structures of Gaza civilians just to kill a high-up Hamas terrorist. Pictures show bombed-out buildings all over the place. What more can these Israeli tanks accomplish, but to kill the innocent people left behind and some terrorists hiding behind them.

Seems like every time there is a war escalation between theses two countries, Israel gains sufficient territory and never gives it back to those who initially inhabited it. Sounds a bit like Communist Russia in their prime, doesn’t it?

When Israel was made a country in 1948, much of what existed as Palestinian land was expropriated to Israel. Then in the Six-days War (June 5th, 1967), Israel gained the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. As a Christian, i know that Israel was promised by God a certain amount promised land (Canaan only?). I’m not that much of a history buff, but it seems to me that every time war breaks out between these two parties, the Arabs come up with the short end of the real estate stick. They keep on getting squeezed, but profess that they won’t be happy until all Jews are killed. On the other hand, it’s the Hebrews who almost always are granted victory over their enemies.

It’s God’s prerogative to choose whom He wishes to favor, and HE favored Jacob over Esau. But that’s really no valid excuse for the Arabs to seek to do completely away with the Israelites because Jesus linage has to come through Jacob. And that particular favor allows all men (Muslims too) the opportunity to be blessed by becoming Christians, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon a cross.