It’s unfathomable (at least to me, anyway) how such a despicable person as Donald Trump can still be revered by His MAGA Republicans, who simply brush-off his nearly 100 criminal indictments as merely a political witch hunt. “Why, Donald has done nothing wrong,” Yeah, right.

He tries to gag order the press when they don’t see things his way. He does likewise to all parties who express different views than his. He suppresses democracy, and even tried to override it in the January 6th Capitol insurrection. And when that didn’t work, he attempted to invalidate the vote counts in Georgia and sought to establish a new electorate.

Ironically, the judge handling his present case had to place a gag order (for $10, 000) on Trump’s repeated bashing of the court’s personnel.

In a nut-shell, the tyrant Trump should homestead himself (permanently) in his Mar-a-Lago (ridiculously over valued) mansion and never show his political face in public ever again. That would be a blessing to our American democracy, if nothing else.