It’s no secret that humans have a great tendency to let the world take captive of their focus on the Christ of Christianity. There seems to be so much competition in the work force (and in schools, too) to be better than the next guy–for mere survival, so they reason–that it leaves little to no room for the acknowledgement of The Supreme Deity–Jesus Christ–in their daily doings.

When and if money, power, fame, wealth and health, etc., etc., etc. become the dominating force in one’s life, then the deity of Jesus gets put out to pasture.

Christians are warned repeatedly about letting this happen, but, still, they’re not immune to it. Christians walk a tightrope through the world, not around it. Circling the world would little room for influencing it positively for Jesus.

As a former NFL offensive lineman, I submit that sometimes to win certain people to Christ Jesus, you have to prepare oneself to get “down and dirty in the trenches” (verbally speaking, of course), to communicate with potential converts. And if by chance you try and fail, it’s no skin off your back (embarrassment), because Jesus already sacrificed His skin and a whole lot more for your eternal, Heavenly salvation.