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Computer Generated Images

Your Sins I Shoulder

This is the NFL referee’s signal for Illegal touching and/or a thirty-second time out. Well there was certainly an illegal touching involved in Jesus’ arrest and later crucifixion…

To Shade Or Not to Shade

Manifest destiny (and the Indian Removal Act) were the thought-up US doctrines used to justify (by God?) the removed of the majority of Native American Indians off their…

Critical Flush

The January 6th US Capitol insurrection to overturn the 2020 election results to favor Trump over Biden is still a smoking-gun for Trump loyalists. But the Republican tide…

Stop the Zeal

If you tell a lie repeated enough, without anyone constantly disputing it, it has a good chance of being believed–eventually. Hitler’s a prime example. Radicals have been poo…

Critical Race Theory

Until we as Americans (especially us white ones) admit that our governmental and economic powers to be have been bias towards whites and negative towards people of color…

High Hurdle

Breaking away from an athletic identity is mighty difficult, especially for ex-pro footballers, even though one (me) may only have achieved limited notoriety as such. Playing professional football…

Fetal Wars

The viability of the fetus is approximately at two thirds of the pregnancy cycle (22/24 weeks). Not until God breathed the breath of life into man did he…

Murder She Wrote?

Early in this year (2022), our American Supreme Court is going to attempt to rule once again on the Roe Vs, Wade abortion issue. There’s little doubt that…

Foreshadowed Savior

While the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness, their grumblings and discontents weighted heavily on their Creator. So much so, that He sent poisonous serpents to attack and…

Deny and Die

OK, admittedly, you won’t “necessarily” die if you don’t take the COVID-19 shots and their boosters, but why even chance it? After all the trouble the world has…