Until we as Americans (especially us white ones) admit that our governmental and economic powers to be have been bias towards whites and negative towards people of color in the past century, we can make little progress in righting an unequal racial ship that has barely stayed afloat. Attempting to keep the past atrocities against African Americans in the shadows isn’t going to make the truth any less real. Germany didn’t get rid of their murderous concentration camp structures. They still stand as remembrance memorials. If you don’t keep vivid your past mistakes, you stand a good chance of repeating them. So says history.

In my CRT digital, I’ve placed Derek Chauvin in front of Rosa Parks, signifying his white supremacy bus sitting position. Of course, he didn’t get away with his killing of George Floyd. That’s why he’s in prison garb. But he’s still trying to maintain his white supremacy bus position, non the less. Substituting Rosa Parks’ mug shot number in place of Derek’s, just seems to put the icing on his racial cake of hate.