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Computer Generated Images

Dump Trump

“Ask not what your country can do for you.”


At Christ’s return in the clouds, He’ll be reunited with His Christians–first, the deceased ones, and then the presently living ones. With the Covid–19 crisis at hand, some…

Ayres’ Elvis

My wife, Doris, and I moved from Ormond Beach to Tampa, Florida in 1988. Nicko’s Dinner was at the end of our street, just minutes from downtown Tampa…

Senseless Concern?

Trump (apparently) has had a mild case (so far) of coronavirus and tweeted yesterday to Americans and the world at large, “Don’t be afraid of Covid-19.” Presently, there’s…

Soul Swim

At the end of the last days, our world as we now know it, will melt away with fervent heat. It will be replaced with a New Jerusalem…

Worldly Retreat

At the end of the last days, our world as we now know it, will melt away with fervent heat. It will be replaced with a New Jerusalem…


Yeah, there’s a lot going on in this painting, but I’m not apologizing. It needs to be repeatedly said–visually also. The eagle is known to fish on the…


Oprah Winfrey was quoted as having said, “If you turn a blind eye to racism, you become an accomplice to it.” Which is another way of stating the…

Dump Trump 2020

Need I say more?

Trump Babel

Recently, it just dawned on me how closely the Tower of Babel’s speech confusion reminds me of the babbling taking place when Trump tweets. God confused their languages…