Yeah, that’s the head image of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer placed atop this bagpipe playing man. Christ is blowing His life-saving air (through a ventilator) into a fetus. Meanwhile, the grim reaper is seeking to negate Christ’s efforts with the swipes of his sinful scythe (the equivalent of the passing pro-abortion laws).

I’m certainly more of a Democrat than I am a Republican, but to take an innocent, unborn life simply because it’s expedient to do so for the mother, is sinful in the eyes of God Almighty. But complications can and do arise when rape or incest or the mother’s/and or baby’s health forces its way into the abortion issue. Then it can become a difficult call at best. I certainly am not in the position to condemn the deciding parties one way or the other. It’s not my call. I’m just saying……….