It does little good for all of us “patriotic” Americans to get our Covid–19 shots, if we don’t have enough Americans who are willing to follow suit in order to achieve herd immunity. To politicize our predicament is to prolong the solution indefinitely. Unfortunately for all Americans, a few Southern Republican states are basically holdouts for receiving enough vaccine shots for our country to achieve herd immunity by Biden’s July 4th deadline.

Why can’t we Americans come to a consensus concerning our collective health? Other nations pull themselves together for the common good of all. Why can’t we? India is presently begging other countries for enough vaccine to counter their death devastation, and here we Americans sit, oversupplied with vaccine doses for people unwilling (for whatever reasons) to jump into the rescue boat with us. Go figure.

It’s mostly these same people who refuse to wear masks because (so they maintain) it in fringes on their constitutional rights. Well, how about my constitutional right to life? Human life is interdependent upon global communities, whether we want to admit to it or not! And Covid–19, like terrorism, requires that all nations work together for the common good of one and vice versa. Covid-19’s vaccine commitment should parallel that of the United Nations’ commitment that an attack on one nation is an attack on all.

It’s all futility in the end. Mankind’s behavior is no better today than in the days of Noah. God saved mankind once from total annihilation via Noah and his family. God will save mankind a second and final time through His sacrificed Son, Jesus, and His Christian family of saints. The saved sheep to Heaven. The unsaved, to a place of eternal torment. Oh, you don’t think such a place is real? Would you bet that eternal existence on a chance your belief is wrong? I didn’t think so.