It’s no secret that Mr. Trump isn’t a fan of the Black Lives Matter movement. He’s said it’s all a hoax. The Black Lives Matter movement turned radioactive immediately after the public video showing of the out and out murder of George Floyd. And rightly so, I might add.

Similarly, Trump’s temper turns radioactive the moment he perceives that someone has dared to cross him. Admittedly, Trump had a ”little” compassion for George Floyd’s untimely murder, but basically none for the #BLM movement that it ignited. In fact, instead of easing up on the pedal of police brutality towards African Americans especially, he showered-down on the pedal of brute law enforcement with whatever forces available to him.

He’s sent federal troops into cities of our nation without the consent of state and/or local authorities to quell and strong-arm protesters, who were peaceful during the day and, admittedly, not so by night. Trump also had federal officers clear from the street near Lafayette Park of peaceful protesters, so that he could have a photo-op using a church signage as a backdrop. Hypocrite. That adjacent boarded-up church is as close to a church as he gets in a year, with the exception of maybe Christmas and Easter. And his hate rhetoric towards others, especially not of his kind, tells me he shouldn’t be a front man for Christ’s sake (The Christian Right).

Who in God’s name ever proclaimed the myth that only the Republicans have a monopoly on God in America? Jesus said you will know my people by their fruits (works). If it wasn’t for the “bias” media and their sacrificing journalists (Democracy at work), the exposing of the ills of our present, authoritative government and the like would never take place. The Republicans decry the Dems are socialists, but from my perspective, the Democrats exhibit far more evidence of Good Samaritan acts than their counterpart Republicans. Throwing (the oppressed and poor) people under the bus is the MO for the Republicans. Sure, the Republicans say they want to rid the country of Obama Care, but aren’t concerned enough for the welfare of all the people to present anything better.

I believe the Democratic Party has the betterment of middle class America (people of color included) as their primary objective, as opposed to the Republicans, who seek to hang onto their white privileged advantages they’ve held scared for eons. And I’m white, but too old (and not courageous enough) to join the many, many white folks who socially protest beside the blacks. My mind and spirit only will have to suffice for marching with the social protesters.

I’m in agreement with the predominately African Americans footballers that comprise the present NFL rosters of their advocating for equality and social justice in a systemic American society. The anticipated decals of deceased “heroes” that will be glued to their helmets this season, I think should be the stalwarts of all the civil rights protests, past and present–like Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Robert Lewis, etc., etc. I, of course, played alongside of Africans Americans in my seven years in the NFL and WFL. Most of them (blacks) were as fine and upright as any person (other than their color) I’ve ever met. Yeah, there were a few (black players) I didn’t care for at all, but that was also true of a few white player too!

We’re all created in God’s image. Let’s start looking and treating each other as if we were able to visualize Jesus as/in our neighbor. Amen, brother (sister too)?