This is a SONrise like none other. It happened only once, but has salvation significance for mankind forever. No doubt, on Jehovah’s command, an angel rolled the burial rock away. I squared out a black hole to represent the burial chamber. Since scientists claim that black holes have the unlimited power to suck mater into nothingness, it only seems appropriate that I depict the one person, Jesus, who had the power to create matter out of nothingness, to rise out of the nothingness of an empty, earthly tomb. OK, agreed, that’s a bit speculative, but Einstein’s “Black Hole Theory” of decades ago, wasn’t photographically proven until just recently. (Not that I’m for a mere minute insinuating my thinking is on a par with his). Jesus doesn’t need matter to exist. He was forever pre-existing in the Heavenly realms in the spiritual form of the Logos before his earthly manifestation.

I’m hopeful, that after viewing this graphic, you will automatically associate every physical sunrise henceforth and forevermore to the Son of Jehovah, Jesus, rising (in resurrection) so that all of mankind would have an opportunity to choose between Heaven or Hell as their eternal abode.

And yes, by Jesus’ resurrection and later ascension, Satan is crushed in defeat.