Saying their names, “George Floyd and Jesus Christ,” together is by no means equating them. Obviously, George Floyd was no saint. Quite removed, in fact. But each shared their deaths at the hands of the authorities of their era. Of course, Jesus was totally blameless, and certainly Mr. Floyd harbored a negative track record. Still, that’s no valid reason to outright kill a man for trying to pass a questionable twenty dollar bill for a lone pack of cigarettes.

The Jews of Jesus’ day wrangled the Romans to do their dirty work of crucifying Jesus, and I’m inclined to think that America’s systemic racism had a major hand in Floyd’s death.

We been inundated since George Floyd’s murder with reminders to repeat the statement, “Say their names,” in remembrance of African Americans who have perished by the hands of questionable police enforcement. George Floyd was stamped in God’s image (as is all of mankind). When you do injustice to mankind, you do it also to The Deity Who created mankind.

My guess is that Jesus would have said, “Don’t do to others what you have done to Me.” In short, start and end your people remembrances with, “Say HIS name,” too.

PS: Derek Chauvin’s face is pixilated for non-identifiable reasons. We all put Jesus to death, and to a much lesser extent, we all contribute to the demise of our fellow men (and women) by our assault on their character, often just because of the color of their covering. Granted, it’s not an outright shooting (usually), but a death nonetheless, regardless of how long they linger in our ridicule.