So now that Covid-19 has subsided somewhat (not enough for me to go back into the water yet), our two political parties are gearing-up for the presidential run. Trump has earlier tagged Biden as “Sleepy Joe.” Joe’s been in the background sheltering-in-place like we’re supposed to be doing. He’s a good example of a leader (he wears a mask in public, too).

But oftentimes one has to fight fire with fire in order to survive. Joe Biden just delivered a sucker punch to Trump by referring to him as President Tweety. I just added a little icing on the cake in the form of a graphic to reinforce Humpty Trump’s mode of communication. I tagged him Tweedledumb–Trump.

“Tweets” are generally off-the-cuff statements that usually haven’t been thought about in deeper detail. In Donald’s case they’re almost always his negative reactions to what someone has said in opposition to his stinking thinking. He strikes out defending himself before he even gets up to the plate. His Commander-in-Chief position is the epitome of the Peter Principle taken to its highest level.

Now Trump’s badmouthing his valued conservative Fox Newscasters for finally calling him down foe his false tweets. Trump’s response to their exposure of him is to attempt to get rid of social media entirely–good luck with that one. When will this bully ever be subdued? In 2020’s November presidential election–that’s when. Amen?