James 1:8 says, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” We Americans (Republicans too) are all aware of Trump’s wishy-washiness concerning just about any subject. One day he says and/or tweets a statement, only to retract it the next, maintaining that he never said it (of the original statement, I suppose) in the first place. He praises his decisions about who he hires, then condemns their character the moment he chooses to fire them because they don’t align themselves to his way of (stinking) thinking. This is but a tip of his continuing iceberg of ego motivating him to elevate himself by degrading others. I gave him a White House tiara because he, no doubt, placed it upon his own haystack of hair.

He’s totally inept for being our Commander-in Chief. He personifies the Peter Principle gone amok! He wears not a protective mask, but ask our nation to wear theirs–he’s such a hypocrite! He started-off this coronavirus crisis by downplaying it and stating, rather nonchalantly, that it’s all under our (the US government’s) control. Yeah, right. He did nothing in February to mitigate its coming whatsoever. In 2019, he got rid of the protective safeguards that the Obama administration put in place to help protect us from just such a pandemic as we are presently experiencing. He lied about having enough protective equipment for first responders, nurses, and doctors. Who got the critically short supply of ventilators was a life or death doctors’ decision. He’s lies continually about our nation’s ability to test our citizens. The list goes on and on into infinity.

I placed a football facemask over him, not for his protection, but ours. Trump basically got barred (OK, impeached) by the Democrats, but, unfortunately, his own party (with the exception of Mitt Romney–God bless him) stood by his sorry side to not do their constitutional duty to remove him from office.

He never had the courage to play football (being spoon fed, I reason); yet, has the insolence to mock the new NFL rule changes to protect the players. If you’ve never been in the arena before, Donald, you’re not in a position to judge.

Now that we Americans have experienced almost four years of no light shinning through Mr. Trump’s manipulating heart. It’s way past time to “go high” (Thanks, Michelle) in this next election. Do I hear an Amen?