The Coronavirus disease (COVID–19) has everyone in an uproar–and rightly so. The American government (Donald Trump in particular) swore it off as just another strand of the many viruses that the world has had to deal with in past decades. “Don’t acknowledge it, and it will peter out on its own” attitude. Wrong Donald–once again (10,000+ and counting).

Americans really don’t have any idea how many of our people have actually been infected because our government didn’t have the foresight to order enough testing kits for early responders. Now, we’re trying to play catch-up. Hopefully not to a lost cause. Schools, church services, many businesses, and any large gatherings (sports events, etc) are being readily cancelled until further notice. Airplane travels are thinking twice about being confined in a small space with international travelers about.

Americans are cautioned not to venture out (of your home) unless it’s absolutely necessary. Sounds like the same winter messages of caution we Southerners are used to hearing from the media concerning all the severe snow and ice conditions up North. I’m beginning to feel a lot like the late Howard Hughs, who isolated himself in his later years for fear of dying from germs acquired from close proximity to the masses.

Virus masks are in short supply, if at all. A lot of the grocery shelves are empty. What’s a citizen to do? Moreover, what’s a Christian to do? Well, in times past (beginning in the 1st century AD) Christians caught the attention of the world by attending to people with diseases (contagious ones too) that everyone else were running to cover from. That (quite possibly) is the ultimate self sacrifice for another that Jesus was talking about. Few Christians today are that willing–admittedly, I’m certainly not one of them.

In the past, I did a painting depicting the totality of small weapons (hand guns) being a force to be reckoned with (similar to WMDs). But WMDs pale to COVID–19’s potential to obliterate societies. Right now (in America) we claim to have a handle on the situation, but only God knows what tomorrow will bring.

So far, there’s no (effective) developed COVID–19 virus vaccine. The world’s at risk. Totally vulnerable. Now, is the time to pray (to The Christian God) for our deliverance before we may have to beg for our very survival. Amen?

Is mankind overreacting? Probably not. Who’s willing to take the chance to do nothing in preparation, testing, and containment now to later wish they had–after it’s too late? The exact holds true of Christian salvation: Are you willing to deny the salvation that Jesus Christ offers today for the possibility of an eternal living hell tomorrow? I’m betting on a proven winner with an unequaled track (the prophecies of Jesus) record. How about you?

PS: Trump’s statement: “I don’t take responsibility at all” (for America’s lack of COVID–19 testing kits) is just another nail in his reelection coffin. In 2018 his administration was responsible for dissolving our first line of defense against infectious deceases worldwide: The National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense. Had this council been kept in place, no doubt Americans wouldn’t be in such a panic state now.