This new Omicron, COVID-19 variant has a lot of catching-up to do to rival the present day Delta variant–not that we want them to be neck and neck. We no sooner start to get a handle on Delta, then along comes another variant that has the potential to spread even faster, What’s the world’s civilizations to do?


We can care enough for our neighbor (next door and/or thousands of miles away) to take all the necessary precautions to not spread the virus indiscriminately by refusing to be vaxxed and/or masked (in confined areas). The COVID-19 viruses are no respecter of persons. Young or old, in good health or bad makes no difference. It can easily devastate any family by taking one or more members in a moment’s notice. And the unvaccinated easily comprise most of our COVID–19 patients to date.


We Americans exhibit much concern over the influx of illegal immigrants. I wish we were as concerned over doing our individual, patriotic parts to lessen COVID. The illegal immigrants road sign puts a certain scare into our hearts. But these desperate people don’t come to kill, they come not to be killed–just like you should get your COVID–19 shots and boosters not to be killed–or be a potential killer of others by infecting them. You’re either a part of the problem or a part of the solution. The illegal immigrants are trying to avoid the boarder patrols and the COVID–19 variants are trying to avoid the COVID–19 vaccines. It kind of reminds me of the saying, “Every man for himself.” But in our preset collective situation, the wellness of every man is contingent upon the wellness of every other man!”

FYI: Your constitutional right to freedom (not getting the COVID–19 shots) stops at infringing upon my constitutional right to life. “(My) life trumps (your) liberty!”