Finally someone (ex-president Jimmy Carter) of respectable significance has come forward to say that President Trump is an illegitimate president because of the Russian interference in the 2016 election on his behalf. “From Russia with love, Baby?” What goes around comes around, Donald. You try your level best to invalidate Obama’s American birth certificate, and you get invalidated in the process–by an ex-president, no less.

Then you have the gall to invalidate Carter’s take on your election results by merely dismissing his comments because he’s a Democrat. But a “Christian Democrat” is he! Unlike yourself, Donald, who professes to be a Christian (obviously in word only), Carter’s a triple treat : He attends church regularly, teaches Bible classes, witnesses, and probably sings in the choir for all I know. And he’s still doing it at 94 years of age. Now that’s an unprecedented commitment to his Maker!

So, you want to make America great again–again, Mr. Trump? (Not that America wasn’t great before you initially arrived on the scene). Start living and acting like most any respectable person of meager means has to act. Quit telling outright lies and immediately belittling people who don’t share your ‘valued” opinions on any particular subject. Christians are praying for your bias, self-righteous attitude to change. How about giving us some hope in your other decrees besides just restricting abortions. Do I hear an “Amen,” brothers and sisters of the cross?