In truth, there’s little to no doubt that vaccine inoculation is vastly superior to just mask wearing. Wearing a mask is essential, if and only if, vaccines aren’t available. And vaccines in America have been readily available for some time now. if Jesus were around today (physically speaking that is), I believe He’d be doing His level headed best to do unto others as you would have them do onto you. Too bad for all Americans that some Americans, not only refuse to get vaccinated, but also refuse to wear a mask. That’s tantamount to double jeopardy! Wake up rural (mostly Republican) America. If you can’t vaccinate for the betterment of others, at least do it for yourselves.

And with the Delta variant running wild in America now, now isn’t the time to let off the gas of control. We haven’t even reached herd immunity yet, and our victory over COVID-19 and its variants is yet to be secured. Don’t look back to the good old days quite yet for COVID-19 just may be gaining on us in hot pursue of the goal line itself.