American Democracy isn’t what it used to be. Now, it’s hanging by a thread. Still, it’s not dead–yet. But vote Donald Trump into the 2024 presidency, and I guarantee you, he’ll make the January 6th Insurrection look like a mere warm-up for his featured Democracy makeover–make that takeover. Donald’s first presidential run set the stage for a much more ambitious autocracy to take place, provided, of course, that more Americans than not, make the same mistake twice. Prayerfully not..

I’m having great difficulty reconciling some of my Christian beliefs to many Democratic ideals. Take, for instance, the institution of marriage. Democracy cries out for equality across the board. But, biblical marriage is between heterosexuals only. Homosexuality is biblically shunned. Yet, democracy even allows for their legal union. Jesus told the adulteress woman at the well, “Go and sin no more.” (Which is what the gay community should consider doing). The Bible states that homosexuals (and the like) have zero chance of a Heavenly afterlife (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Too bad. When they finally realize that’s the truth upon Jesus’ return, it’ll be too late to repent.

If I had to choose, I’d say I’m more a Democrat at heart. I feel for the poor and oppressed (by the rich and wealthy). Hey, I’m in your row boat too! But intellectually (Biblically) speaking, I must admit, I try to submit myself to the teachings of Christ more than mere men–even at their highest attainment of the Peter Principle.

Of course, all this confusion about Democracy and Christianity supporting each other (or not) is superseded by the fact that Christians are required to obey the laws of the land, since HE (God), placed the government officials in their respective positions. Political choice oftentimes becomes the decision to go with the lesser of two evils–huh? But most of the time (for me), realizing the apparent Christian differences between our two American political party’s platforms is a lesson in futility. Especially since they often say and do the opposite, especially after being elected.

Every so often, a political party’s US President becomes rogue. Donald Trump was that even before he became President in 2016. We Americans can’t let that happen again. Our Democracy’s continued existence depends upon our courage to follow through on our convictions.

I know you noticed a placed cross atop the Capitol, The DC Capitol Republicans (and the State Republicans especially) are seeking to establish more of the Christian religion into their political (and citizen) settings. That furthering goes against the separation of church and state spelled out in our Constitution. I well understand their concern in trying to establish a more Christian nation, but you shouldn’t overwhelm somebody with too much Christian pressure (from the State in particular) that their free will to choose (of a particular religion in this case) is compromised. (That’s probably a like reason why God didn’t supply likewise, overwhelming evidence that HE exists, to the extent an individual has little choice not to believe.

Religious choice must remain free choice without being forced to submit by any method. The “Christian” Crusades was proof enough that you don’t come to Christ (and not stray away) by being forced to do so.