QAnons have been listening to their misinformation–again. Trump isn’t God. nor His Son, Jesus. So quit acting like he is–for  sake of our Democracy. Christian Nationalism is getting too far right. Yes, we (Christians) want America to be a God–fearing nation, but not at the expense of demolishing our Democracy–piece by piece. Can we have our cake and eat it too? I think not. As a Christian (evangelists especially), the second you say you’re against gays and same sex marriage, sex as choice, and strict anti-abortion laws with no exceptions, you’ve  automatically disconnected yourself from the equality laws of Democracy.

The next thing you know, there will be state sanctioned Christianity. Jesus didn’t preach that. One must come to Jesus unencumbered. It there is no choice but to accept Christianity other than death (or a living death), that’s total negation of our God-given free will. God says He provided enough evidence to mankind that He exist by what He has created. He doesn’t need man’s Christian forcefulness (Christian nationalists?) to make disciples of Christs. In fact, doing so, I think, is counterproductive to true Christian evangelism.