The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines both require two doses to be at their top effectiveness. (Of course these are administered in one’s arm, not their butts). This Democratic donkey accepts his patriotic duty of receiving his shots to not only to protect himself, but others also he may come in contact with who are not yet immunized. This immunized donkey (OK, person) also continues to don his mask until herd immunity is achieved. He doesn’t choose to showboat prematurely by spiking the football before he crosses the goal line. (Thanks, President Biden).

Conversely, evangelical Republicans (especially) are much more apt to forgo Covid-19 vaccine inoculation and refuse to wear their masks–at anytime they can get away with it. They place themselves at greater risk to develop serious consequences if infected. Hence, the aqua colored ventilator conduit representing the elephant’s trunk. Of course he isn’t wearing a mask either because that would be an infringement on his free will, not to mention how his refusal could impact my life negatively. I’m more of the mindset that Republicans feel their God (mine too) will protect them, while my take is that to not wear masks in enclosed structures is testing, not trusting God.

It takes two to Tango. More importantly, it takes two political divided minded American groups to compromise enough In order to achieve herd immunity that we Americans so desperately crave. There’s not enough people who have consented to the shots to achieve herd immunity in and of themselves. We need significant others to comply also. Isn’t staying the course of caution a small price to pay for saving the life of another person. Even perhaps someone you know and love? Think Jesus here. HE didn’t ever meet you personally, but died for you just the same because He loved you so much. Before Christ came on the world scene, there was no one capable and worthy enough to be substituted for the sinfulness on mankind. Lucky us, huh? Jehovah didn’t choose to wipe the slate clean (from sinful men) again by initiating another flood without any hope of salvation. (And He set a frequent rainbow in a rainy sky to remind Himself not to do so!)