What are these United States (the citizens) coming to? People are getting shot and killed for literally no good reason at all. Knocking on the wrong neighbor’s door, mistaken car identity, and turning around in a neighbor’s driveway shouldn’t be cause for alarm, let alone shooting at the victim in their innocence.

And now a young boy and his father get shot at for simply trying to retrieve a basketball that got away from their grasp and rolled unto a neighbor’s lawn down the street. Of course the shooter had a record a mile long. He probably should have been behind bars–permanently, but apparently did his time for his crimes, and, consequently, was released (and at large, apparently).

Sometimes I think God should have created us with a little less free will and a bit more constraint. But of course any constraint at all is an infringement on our free will. We can’t have our cake, and eat it too. It’s either one way or the other. No in between. Either total free will to do evil (or not), or a robotic human, capable of only following programmed orders.

I won’t get into the fact that the shooter was black and the victims were white. When did “Love your neighbor as yourself” take exit? With events like the above happening daily, I question if that love has seriously taken root in the majority of Americans. Are we “that far” removed (improved?) from the terrible people that existed before the Flood? God help us overcome ourselves. HE already has by replacing the bite out of the apple of sin with Himself! I’ll “Amen” that. How about you, too?