Basically, I believe, the Lord supports the statement, ”You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Meaning, you can’t be a man and a woman at the same time. Or, you can’t change your cisgender after birth. At least not without sever consequences. Not the least of which is no entrance into the Body of Christ. (Or a quick exit from it, if you happen to have been a Christian, and then, choose a LGBTQ+ lifestyle).

In the beginning, God made man separately from woman. Yeah, He used part of man’s body to form woman, but that’s a far cry from totally revamping man into woman and/or vice versa.

I’m sorry, The LGBTQ+ life is not an acceptable, alternative lifestyle–that is, of course, if you’re concerned with the life hereafter as a Christian baptized believer. And anyone acting in an LGBTQ+ manner should be a red flag to any Christian professing individual who chooses to steer clear of unwanted worldly influences.

Make no mistaken inferences here. I’m not a LGBTQ+ basher. I simply say to the LGBTQ+ individuals the same statement Jesus said to the adulteress woman at the well: “Go and sin no more.”