What are doctors (and nurses) to do with people who refuse to vaccinate for the viruses (more specifically, the Delta)? They’re overwhelmed at the hospitals. People are dying in the wings, just waiting to be attended to. It’s not like you have the luxury of taking a ticket for the deli at Publix. Death is serious and doesn’t wait in line to be called. Just ask any of the people who refused shots and are now hospitalized and/or on life support whether or not they wished they had gotten the shots. All of them say emphatically, “Yes!”

It’s critical (to America’s health) that everyone put aside their petty excuses and man up for humanity by getting vaxxed and masked, first, for Americans and secondly, for the world’s population at large.

Doctors and nurses can only do so much. It’s past time we Americans take responsibility, not only for ourselves, but for the well being of others as well. And that includes the well being of health professionals who are most at risk to care for everyone else. Case closed.