I’ve mentioned and depicted before in some of my previous images that there is an obvious parallel between George Floyd’s “I can’t breathe” plead to an unrelenting police officer (while George was still conscious, that is) and an ICU patient suffering from COVID–19, who cannot breathe on their own–either.

Now, I’ve taken the liberty of trying to bring to your attention that a similar relationship exists between the statement of George’s that he couldn’t breath and our declaration as Americans (don’t include Trump) that we are in the same boat, albeit not as timely.

The world’s pollution problem due to global warming is something that eats away at us very slowly, but still, is as lethal as Zyklon B. If we Americans would protest our government’s lack of concern for global warming as we have for the merciless death of George Floyd, we might just be able to save humanity from itself. At least prolong the agony a little until Christ returns to solve the bigger problem of not obeying Him throughout our earthy lives. Amen?