Democracy Melee

The riotous uprising at the U.S. Capitol two weeks ago that left five people dead was caused and spurred on, for the most part, by the spoken poison coming forth from President Trump’s mouth. Trump, along with his lying lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, make an identical twin’s tag team: both will go down in history as, not only pathological liars in not acknowledging the 2020 voting results, but primary instigators in an attempted coup our democracy.

Yeah, that’s Jacob Chansley, an Arizona man and QAnon conspiracy theorists, who was photographed in a horned headdress and a painted red, white, and blue face parading throughout the halls of the Capitol building. His mug (shot) reminds me of the MGM’s lion logo: a lot of (Trump) roar but no valid substance.

There was a substantial number of Christian flags on display. Listen, I’m all for the spread of Christianity (being a Christian myself), but trying to marry evangelical Christianity with Donald Trump White Supremacy is a combination not even the apostle Paul would condone. The zealots for white’s rights (yeah, I’m white too) shouldn’t continue to use Christianity as their vehicle to have and maintain a predominantly white ruled nation. Americans are slaves to no man, no nation, and no race. The only slaves that should be present in America, are the professed slaves of Jesus Christ–the Christians–period!

You don’t bring someone to Jesus by force. You bring them through love. The Catholic Crusades proved as much. You can’t beat someone into Christian submission. They must have a choice! Anytime you take choice away from the religious conversion equation, equality goes out the window. This coup on the Capitol was an attempt to use Christianity (falsely) as a prime motivating factor to override the legal 2020 voting results to favor president Trump.

The perpetrating protesters will be held accountable. Almost all have been duly arrested already. Many will serve prison sentences, exampled by the prison bars superimposed over the Capitol’s frontal columns. A wooden gallows was erected on the Capitol premises by the protesters. There were shouts for vice-president Pence’s hanging, if he didn’t reverse the 2020 vote count to favor Trump (which he didn’t have the power to do so). I’m reminded of the ironical Bible story in the Book of Ester that depicts an unrighteous Hyman hanging from the very gallows he had constructed to do in his adversary-the righteous Mordecai. Trump let rioters act out their pronouncement for more than two hours before he was convinced to call them off and tell them to go home. Our January 6th Insurrection Investigation Hearings confirm (at least in my mind) that the name the rioters should have cried out for was their leader, Donald Trump to swing from the  gallows, not Pence.

Trump has never acted nor talked as if he were a Christian (except for a “hoaxed” religious, photo-op), yet he somehow convinced the majority of the Religious Right to get on his bandwagon in 2016. He fooled the Christian-Right (and especially Franklin Graham) for four telltale years, but his main concern for no one else but himself has finally caught up with him. Trump’s plight reminds me of King Saul (sans the anointing from God), who made such a mess of things that his kingship was taken away and given to David. (Not that I’m admitting for even a mere second that Trump should have been elected in the first place).

Simply stated, America’s democracy was tested in the breach on the Capitol January 6th, 2021. The hanging noose often used by White Supremacists as a fear symbol, didn’t strangle the democratic life out of our Capitol rotunda, but it left those congress people inside fearing for their lives. In the future, if there’s other runs on our democracy, hopefully, we’ll take them more seriously beforehand.

“Viking man” (my term for Jacob Chamsley with the horned hat) might not have made the noose to lasso Democracy, but he’s still guilty by association.

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