Are you holding unto death (much more tightly than your faith?), and you don’t even realize it? I certainly hope not. I even pray not (that you aren’t). Now I’m not referring to the physical, bodily death. All of us earthlings will succumb to that, unless of course you (as a Christian) just happen to be alive when Jesus returns. Instead, I’m referencing holding onto the very ideas and concepts that Satan promotes in order that you will bite into his hell-grown apple. He is the opposite side of the good coin gone bad.

The good Lord is allowing Satan his glory days, now, upon Earth. Satan’s presence and negative influence turns out to be a significant weight to bare while on Earth. (But don’t we have to have some sort negative alternative to good/and or being good to actually have a free will?) Don’t let Satan get the best of you. Clamp onto your Christian faith like a mongoose and let nothing separate you from your God and His promised salvation for Christians.

The pinballs of this painting are morphed into ignited Earth bombs individually lettered by Satan himself. His “bomb-balls” are ricocheting off his negatively-worded bumper rails to accelerate their dastardly deeds. There’s two directions out of Earth’s grave: one leads to a place you want to go to; the other definitely does not! You can access the former by siding with Jesus and becoming a Christian, only before your death.

The Port-O-Lets are used symbolically to represent the (Christian) elimination of our sins by our bodily waste elimination. This can only be accomplished by establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, culminating in ones baptism for the remission of your sins.

The traditional, crescent moon cutout shape in the door that lets the sun/moon light in for illumination is replaced with a cutout Christian cross. Jesus’ light needs no moon (or anything else in the physical universe for that matter) for His light to shine because He is the light. If and when our sun (and all other suns and stars of the universe) cease to emit their light, then it will become obvious that the Son of God’s light was and is the only light that ever mattered.

We Christian sojourners try not to get too comfortable, even with our temporary housing (plumbed outhouses anyone?), since we believe that we’re going to a far better place than this present world has the capability of providing.

PS: I’m hoping that the floating Port-O-Lets amid the clouds seem to have a surreal feeling to you. Thanks Salvador Dali for laying the ground work.