Category: Covid 19Page 3 of 3

In God We Trust–Right?

At what point do we start sincerely praying to our (Christian) God for our very survival from the devastation of COVID–19, regardless of its origin?


I’ll let you think about this one. Sans any comment from me.

Flight to Fight

Well, with all the warnings about not congregating with no more than ten people at a time because of COVID–19, work from home (students also) just became a…

Social Distancing

The Coronavirus disease (COVID–19) has everyone in an uproar–and rightly so. The American government (Donald Trump in particular) swore it off as just another strand of the many…

We Reap What He Sows

Yeah, that’s a Donald Trump’s image broken–up and superimposed upon an environmental protection mask. “If the flu and/or coronavirus doesn’t get you, Trump’s ready and waiting in the…