Florida’s governor’s Ron DeSantis just signed a bill that prohibits the teaching of anything that is remotely close to mentioning LBGTQ subject matter in Florida’s primary grades (K-3)….
At our Christian deaths, our spirit is believed to rise to our God. This spirit, without a bodily form, is apparently still able to be recognized. Meanwhile, back…
Yes, that’s Marina Ovayannikova, a Russian TV manager, holding up an impromptu placard, not only stating “No WAR” in English, but followed by a Russian propaganda misinformation message…
We put sex trafficker, Jeffery Epstein, on suicide watch while in prison. Yet, he manages to hang himself with his own bed-sheets. Similarly, we Americans have stood at…
One hundred and nine empty baby strollers were placed neatly in rows at the Rynok Square in Lviv, Ukraine, on March 18, 2022, to commemorate the killed babies…