Yes, that’s Marina Ovayannikova, a Russian TV manager, holding up an impromptu placard, not only stating “No WAR” in English, but followed by a Russian propaganda misinformation message about why the invasion of Ukraine was necessary. Since Putin controls all that the Russian medias say, per se, I thought it only appropriate that his image be substituted for the newscaster’s.

Off on the right is a photo of Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition figure and anti-corruption activist who was supposedly poisoned by Putin, recovered, and then immediately jailed on some trumped up charges (like treason?) to silence his opposition to Putin’s stinking thinking dictatorship.

Protester Marina, on the other hand, was lightly fined and given some jail time. Probably similar punishment that was given to the masses of peaceful Russian war protesters that got themselves arrested simply because they expressed opposition to Putin’s war–publically.

Big bullies (like Putin) might win a few battles, but they never win the wars when they force people to act contrary to their believed truths.