Month: June 2021

Unfair Share

The filthy rich pay little or no federal income taxes. It’s likely legal (since they can well afford tax lawyers to figure out the loop-holes), but certainly not…

Opal Lee

Juneteenth: the national holiday (June 19th) just set aside yesterday (June 17, 2021), by President Joe Biden to honor and remember the last slaves in Texas to hear…

Infinity Unlikes

The differences between Joe Biden and Donald Trump (almost) can’t be measured. It’s like the difference between day and night. It even surpasses just being political party different….

Do Not Test God

We should not test Christ, as some of them did–and were killed by snakes. I Cor. 10:9

If You Did It for Me, You Did It for Thee

If I choose to get vaccinated, I do it not only for myself, but for you (your protection) and Thee too. You ask, “How so for Thee(God)?’ And…

Oklahoma Greenwood

Greenwood, a predominately black, 1921, prosperous community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was basically burned to the ground June 1st of that year by a white mob using a flimsy…

Seen ME, Seen THEE

Jesus said, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen My Father Who sent Me.” I used the contemporary AI (artificial intelligence) to capture our Savior’s image (still humanly interpreted…