“We’ve got your back,” is a statement often used to express offering protection from harm to certain individual(s)–usually a partner. Local police forces are supposed to protect our citizens from people who refuse to obey the law. But If we have tainted police forces, (as in white officers with white supremacy tendencies), African Americans are much at risk for law enforcement inequalities and social injustices.

It’s true that many police officers loose their lives while executing their duties equitably. But like anything else, a few bad apples can spoil the brunch. And this racial bunch (overzealous law enforcers on black citizens) has been going bad continually since the Civil War has ended. No doubt there are times when police go into areas where no one officer dares to go. In those situations, a police officer must know that another officer has his back. That seems to be a totally different scenario than an officer who’s got the back of a retreating black in his crosshairs and opens fire.

It just doesn’t make equitable sense that a simple tail-light infraction can so often lead to a black’s death so quickly. Granted, there are situations where the person stopped for a minor offence has a criminal record and/or an outstanding arrest warrant, and therefore, is prone to flight or fight. But some degree of humanity must be adhered to if at all possible, or else we’ve (cops) succumbed to totalitarianism (OK, survival of the fittest–the one possessing the guns–lives).

When all is said and done, accountability to God Almighty at everyone’s resurrection will determine whether or not one Rests In Peace after their resurrection (there’s actually no consciousness in the grave). Christians, of course, have been continually exonerated of all sin by their savior’s previous sacrifice of Himself. The lost (unbelievers) will be resurrected to an eternal punishment in Hell with no chance of release–life plus eternity. Not your idea of a picnic, huh? Mine neither.