We’re so busy with living “our way” that we often have to be reminded that this Earthly shelter may soon disappear, and with it, us too. We humans have been given (by God) the authority and the responsibility to take care of the environment that especially includes the animals.

God gave the animals to us for various reasons. One is to eat them. And I’m all for that as long as we eat and/or make use of them totally. This low–life killing of elephants and rhinos, etc., for just a tusk (or whales just for their oil) is outrageous! That’s usually an abrupt kill. But we hardly give a thought to the slow–kill by trashing our Earth. Now you have to be ever so mindful of where your seafood is coming from. Farm raised seafood (without any additives) may trump natural. Who’s to say definitively?

This sperm whale has a mouthful. Fortunately, he’s made it through the garbage (this time) to grab some fresh air–while it’s still available. Too much ingestion of accumulated trash over his lifespan causes him to blow blood this time instead of air. He’ll remain immersed for more than his maximum 90 minutes this time around because he died! Now imagine yourself as his whale mate. Remember, he once was a mammal too.