Anyone who would deceive the public (especially actor celebrities) about their wholesome persona over decades of time ought to be exposed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law–forget statue limitations. It’s not necessarily Cosby’s acts of unwanted sexual invasion that upset me the most; it’s his modus operandi: He felt he had to resort to drugging the majority of the unknowing victims to gain a sexual advantage. Oftentimes the victims were apparently unconscious. What kind of animal makes love with a person that can’t respond?

My graphic depicts Cosby as a black (no racial card intended) hole, vomiting–up ( hopefully, because of guilt) a plethora of pills he selectively administered as a sexual predator. This (his) black hole is sucking the positive energy out of the universe like a sump pump. I, along with the rest of America, once loved Bill Cosby and what he deceiving stood for. Pity. I never would have guessed that a youthful, good-looking black man like Bill Cosby would have ever felt that he needed to resort to these low-life tactics to bed unsuspecting females. Maybe, later in his life this might have been necessary, but this has been ongoing for many decades.

If I ever had a chance to confront him on this matter, I’d ask, “Was it worth it?”