The Republicans (for the most part and especially Trump in particular) think it’s showing political correctness to wear a mask in public. I guess they would rather be Mr. macho man rather than be accused of any display of curtailing their authority to health professional in the know. Hey, If masks save lives (which it definitely does), who cares if one is or isn’t political correct? And the wearing of a mask is thinking about the health of the other person even more than yourself. If that’s not a Christian gesture, I don’t know one. But of course Trump doesn’t think about anybody else other than himself, and what he can manipulate to his own advantage for his reelection.

On the other hand, Joe Biden is a prime example of a leader (who actually wears a mask in public). He’s just recently come out of sheltering-in-place for months. He does what the health professionals tell us to do for our greatest safety.

The long and short of it is that wearing a mask (which is the simplest form of a respirator) can possible save you from having to don a ventilator later. Why take the chance? It just not logical.

Those American people on this pasted Memorial Day holiday that threw social distancing and mask wearing to the wind are just asking for COVID’s return in full force. In fact, those states where their (partial) openings are well in advance of the health professional’s recommendations of no COVID–19 increases for two weeks, are already experiencing noted increases in the pandemic’s spread. And along with them, they risk the rest of us trying to toe the line!

PS: The lock is well placed for an earring don’t you think? How about the faint, left part of a respirator seconding as a restroom, toilet paper dispenser? And lastly, that oddly placed left eye piecing over the top part of the face mask, but visually located in the chest cavity.