Well, it’s Thursday the 14th of January, 2021, and the House has voted to impeach Trump–again, since VP Pence has said he wouldn’t call for the 25th amendment to be voted upon. I’ve always maintained from day one of Trump’s presidency, that given enough rope (elongated ties will do), sooner or later, Trump will hang himself (hopefully, only politically speaking).

The Capitol rioting of last Wednesday that was ignited and fanned beforehand by Trump’s hate rhetoric for anyone and/or any group opposing his Fascist takeover hammered the nails in his political coffin. Now, even some House Republicans in the Senate are calling for his resignation before they have already decided to throw their respective hats in with the impeaching Democrats.

The clock keeps ticking and Trump’s ending is in plain sight. It’s the eleventh hour to a dead reckoning of a pathetic excuse for an American president. I believe his most critical, political Waterloo was that he didn’t choose to handle the Covid-19 virus as he was directed to do so by his own health professionals. This was after the fact, that not only did he not admit to the public of the pandemic’s intensity and take appropriate action, but canned in his second year in office the Obama administration’s preparation for pandemics and the like that were already in place. Simply stated, Trump, in and of himself, is responsible for thousands of Americans needlessly dying from this pandemic due to his casual indifference to this health threat.
Wearing a protective mask is such an easy task to perform. As is social distancing. I can understand your reasoning that you feel wearing one infringes upon your individual freedom, but your refusal to don one, when appropriate, is jeopardizing our whole nation, and I believe you know this and just don’t care.

When we look at the photographs of our Congressmen (and women) taking cover from the rioting protesters at our Capitol this past week, we see Republicans not wearing masks in close proximity to masked Democrats. Days later, the transmission of the coronavirus was confirmed. If the representatives of our Federal Government won’t tow the nation’s health line on our country’s behalf, what kind of message does that send to its people? We Americans need righteous leadership for all the our people, and not from the egotistical few.

The red tie wags downs DJT’s Kit Cat career clock. In retrospect, he was only running on batteries to begin with!

PS: Christian Evangelicals are (finally) starting to rethink their Christian support for Trump after his denying any wrong doing in the recent, ritious uprising at our Capitol.