Republicans have passed enough anti-abortion laws recently that even it Roe wasn’t overturned by the Supreme Court this summer, we still would see a major shift in states’ laws protecting the unborn. And that’s a good thing in and of itself, providing at least some exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother/and or her baby. But those exceptions aren’t necessarily going to make the cut–unfortunately.

So much for the (Republican’s) protective custody inside the mother’s womb. Now a few words upon (the baby’s) exit. What good does it do to legally force expectant mothers to give birth when our school age children are afraid that they’ll be the next in line at their school to stop a bullet shot by some frenzied kid, who easily took advantage of America’s lax laws concerning gun control.

Republicans are so in bed with the NRA. They’re even passing less restrictive gun laws for e open carry. It’s the Wild West revisited. The only safety from an early tomb could be the womb. But who wants to be in house (the womb) arrest 24/7–forever, if that were indeed possible?

The Republicans and the NRA maintain that guns don’t kill people. People kill people. That’s just a half-truth, at best. Statistics prove that more gun availability computes to more gun deaths. If I’m on a diet and don’t stock up on cookies and ice cream, I’m less likely to eat them, if they’re not easily acceptable when I get hungry. If I get enraged about something I’ve read on the web, I’m less likely to take violent action, if I can’t, easily, get my hands on a gun. Why should our “law abiding Republicans” not want to save the lives of exited newborns as much as the womb protected? Trump just recently spoke at the NRA rally. He reiterates that the only way to stop a man with a gun is another man with a gun. So arm everybody? That’s akin to saying it’s safer for all the countries of the world to all have nuclear weapons. Yeah, right.