The Jewish Passover represents the Lord’s death angle passing over the Jewish residences that had blood smeared over their door lintels, thereby saving the first born children in those homes. All other Egyptian children up to two years in age were killed. This was the last plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go.

While the Republican governors are pushing for the elimination of all abortion laws (I’m onboard, with some restrictions), they flatly refuse too pass any gun control legislation of any significance. Now I ask you, “What good is it to provide ample womb protection laws, if after birth, these same congressmen (i.e. the GOP/NRA) allow guns to proliferate in America by not passing restrictive gun laws?

Is life in a woman’s womb superior to that outside her? Clearly, it is not! Republican state governors are passing more and more legislation to make it even easier to posses and carry guns, open and/or concealed, without a permit or any training whatsoever. Go figure. I’m wondering why on earth would immigrants flock to America only to have their children being killed and wounded in our schools at a rate that’s 57 times the other major industrial nations combined.

The NRA would have you believe, more guns for more people is the answer. That’s like saying we’ll have a safer world situation, when more countries have nuclear weapons capabilities. Republicans may surround the unborn in the protective custody of their elephant trunks, but after birth, they throw the new-born under the bus by targeting them with easy access to guns. They giveth (life) on one hand, and taketh life away with the other. It’s either guns or kids. You can’t have your cake and it too, GOP boys!

(In case you didn’t see it, the AR-15 rifle bullets are, in effect, passing over the fetus, but landing into the targeted youth).