“Sudden death” is no respecter of persons–it’s available to everyone–whether you’re ready for it or not. But we Americans were blindsided long ago to the carnage that would be taking place on a regular basis in our schools today. They (whoever?) killed JFK, and then his brother, Robert, and our government thought they had all the safeguards in place for their protection–so they assumed. If a killer is bent on doing people in, it’s almost impossible to stop him/her/them. Still, lessening the availability of weaponry would probably help. To what extent, probably nobody really knows. (PS: you can’t stop our free will that we were born with, and I don’t think you want to. So don’t go blaming God for not intervening to halt a shooting, since that would be infringing on your free will. And any infringement upon our fee will, negates that free will–duh). Handcuffing our free will is something man attempts to do to another man. God keeps the handcuffs off, but works providentially around his free will creation–man).

Sudden death has come swiftly in our schools and without warning on the days of the shootings. Sure, there have often been telltale warning signs (red flags, i.e., mental health problems, murderous social media postings, etc.) of potential shooters from time to time, but interpreting them correctly has proved to be very difficult at best. And pitting armed teachers with small hand guns (my assumption) vs. AR–15 is like David going up against Goliath again with no real evidence of God being on our side (remember we took prayer out of our schools a long ago–not to mention having to fight an uphill battle with the school systems to present creationism as an alternative choice.


Now the “T” in “STOP has fallen (bottom of the stop sign) upon hard times, and has been replaced with an AR–15. The “T” is now lower case (t), to reflect the cross of Christ with its three red markings representing the hanging nails. I trust you’ve concluded by now that it’s my contention (and many other Christians)) that the further we Americans, as a country, exclude Deity (Jesus Christ) from our lives, the less protection God will afford us. Psalm 32:12, Isaiah 60:12 The fact that House bill HR 839 requiring all Florida schools to display in a conspicuous place the wording “In God We Trust” could be a step in the right direction for the very survival of our American school children–if it’s more than just lip service. We’re awaiting the outcome vote in the Senate. We pray that Senate will follow the House lead. (Now there’s a hint (half) of a terrorist’s mask amid the mental health image. Of course, school shooters don’t need to wear terrorist’s garb to be labeled as terrorists. Their murderous results connect both into damnation).

Still, there’s the problem of automatic weapons (specifically AR–15’s) used to execute killings in a short time span but on a massive scale. Of course, the present administration is in bed with the NRA. So much so, that not even mass protests by the high school students of our nation for much needed gun control gets any more then minimum gun control results. One day our current president givieth, but the next, he taketh away. It’s almost no wonder that our school children are (possibly) resorting to unprecedented usage of opioids for the likely escape from the dangerous reality of just going to school.

There are times when high school students are unkind to their peers (for no valid reasons) and post their displeasure on social media for the whole wide world to take notice. The human tongue can be a lethal weapon when used indiscriminately. Hence, the mixing of the grave markers with their parallel (and sometimes split) tongue shapes. Even through the victims may be resting in peace (R.I.P.), their families and loved ones are RIP(PED) apart forever (while on Earth, that is). One day everyone will have to give an account of every careless word they have spoken. (Matthew 12; 33-38)

We Americans can say we’re predominately a Christian nation, but faith sans the good works is dead. And so goes the neighborhood of purported believers if they (and me), in practice, no not obey. Amen?