The stars of life seem dim and out of focus right now since we’re having to self quarantine ourselves and forgo working for an unknown period of time, until it’s safe to go back into the working water of America. As great an accomplishment as walking on our moon was, it pales to our health care professionals (and first responders, etc.) administering their services while knowingly remaining at greater risk of contacting COVID–19 in doing so.
Hopefully, our stars of life will soon come back into normal focus with a hurried cure for COVID–19. But the next health crisis could be much worse if the nations (especially America) don’t have a better preparedness plan in place. Every nation on Earth is in this melting–pot of contamination together, so why did Trump abruptly decide to not donate to WHO this year? His stinky thinking!
The Christian God’s still in control, but mankind still needs to acknowledge His wisdom is beyond our finite comprehension. One day the raised Christians will probably find out the reasons why of this deadly virus just like they’ll be told why Hitler was allowed to come into power. We’re not supposed to understand everything concerning God’s decisions for us, but be glad He has our best interest at heart. The most significant star return is Christ’s return. Amen?
The white of the Christian flag stands for purity and peace, but I’m inclined to interpret it as our surrender to Christ into the dark blue waters of baptism surrounding the red cross of Calvary.
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