The Coronavirus has set the world on edge. It’s certainly no respecter of persons, nor nations. It’s akin to terrorism’s reach: nobody in any nation is exempt from its deadliness. The USA has forged ahead in the number of infected people, mainly because our federal government took no precautions early on. Shame on our president for his total lack of initial concern! And in him stupidly getting rid in 2019 of the preventive and protective safeguards that were put in place by the Obama administration against not being prepared for this sort of thing happening. Then he (Trump again) had the audacity to say that he harbored no responsibility for the situation we Americans are presently enduring. And did absolutely nothing in the month of February to lessen its coming effect.

New York’s governor Como is crying out in all directions for more hospital beds, ventilators, test kits, protective gear and places to bury the dead. Even from China–no less. A ventilator is a breathing apparatus that is critical to have for hospitalized victims of COVID-19 who lungs can no longer function properly. Doctors are literally having to choose who lives or dies by who gets access to a limited number of these precious inventions. These machines represent the breath of life. Not only for the doctor’s patients, but also for the doctors and nurses attending the sick. Many of these medical professionals have already sacrificed their lives for the cause of humanity, knowing beforehand that they lacked the proper equipment to safely administer their services. God bless them in that sacrifice. They died so we Americans could live. Not too dissimilar a statement to the one about Jesus dying so that mankind can stand a good chance of a resurrection after death in Heaven as opposed to hell.

In this painting, you see an overlapping images of some national flags. That’s because we’re in this fight for ours lives with all the other countries. Sadly, we Americans are having to isolate ourselves into our very homes for fear of contamination. Now personal isolation has dittoed itself internationally with some nations being totally off–limits to others.

The big red capital “C” and ”D” are hold–outs for the civil defense sign, which seems to be overrun by our named pandemic. Our only civil defense consists of a sheltering-in-place, six feet of separation, and a ten person maximum group setting. This all comes at the heels of shutting down (almost) all non–essential services across America. The function buttons at the base of the thermometer gun are now in flux in America because the federal government’s stated timing of the reopening of America for normal business is in contradiction to many of our health experts and state governors. It boils down to what’s more important: people’s very lives or saving the economy (and quite possibly Trump’s second term along with it). I ask you, “What’s the use in saving the economy, if there’s no one around to experience it?”

The only thing we’ll probably remember decades later about this now crisis (other than the number of its fatalities) is the hoarding of toilet paper, our makeshift masks, and our nation’s unpreparedness. That’s sad because there could be a deeper meaning to what has transpired. I tend to think that if we Americans (as a nation and the world at large) turn towards our Creator and acknowledge HIM for our very existence with our heartfelt gratitude, He will heal our land (and more importantly–our beings).

My lingering question is why would The Creator heal our land when our present administration cares little or nothing about improving our environment? The WHO estimates that 4.6 million people die each year due to polluting our environment. To continue to not care about by not taking care of His worldly garden He has blessed mankind with, is to glorify not God Himself–the maker and sustainer of all created mass. We’re basically trampling His garden underfoot and Him also in the process!

In case you haven’t guessed, the green and white looking slinkys represent ventilators. The need to flatten the corona curve (on upper left of image) is reinforced in the flatlined human heart-beat barrel of the gun.