Matthew 25:7 states: He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Matthew 26:53, 27:12, Mark 14:61, 15:5, Luke 23:9, John 19:9, all confirm that Jesus defense when questioned by the high authorities on multiple occasions was to remain silent.

Our Lord’s death and dumb defense–silence–always reminds me of the Holocaust Jews, likewise, being led to their death without putting up a sound (pun intended) defense. Our Lord knew what was in store for Him; these WW II Jews did not. They went, for the most part, willingly into the gas chamber chambers falsely believing they were just taking collective showers. Some people believe the Jewish Holocaust was punishment for the Jews not believing that Jesus was/is the Messiah–The promised One. I think that sort of reasoning is stinking thinking–more specifically–cruel and unusual punishment even for God Almighty. (Although, admittedly, the scriptures clearly point out that those who don’t believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God are already condemned). John 3:18

Of course I’ve got Jesus’ head shot (taken from Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue) substituting for our Statue of Liberty’s face. The greater majority of we Americans believe in a Christian God, but America’s Constitution and Declaration of Independence allow for religious diversity–and a lot of other diversities that are obviously at odds with our Christian beliefs. It’s extremely difficult to achieve by our government authorities a proper balance between the rights of the majority and those in the minority also. You’re dammed if you do on one side, and dammed if you don’t on the other. One thing is for sure: you can’t and shouldn’t force any of your religious beliefs upon anyone else. The Crusades taught us that. That’s not to say one’s proclaiming of Christianity evangelically from your “housetop” shouldn’t be allowed. That’s your right to do so. And the Lord expects His disciples to go from house to house (the Great Commission) preaching the Gospel message. Matthew 28:19

So, frequently in America it’s considered political incorrect to publicly voice your Christian beliefs (group public prayer especially) for fear of offending anyone else’ religious beliefs (I guess). Well I’m here to tell you that if you deny Christ before men, Jesus will deny you before His Father, Jehovah. You might be living the “good life” now and feeling no need to align yourself with the Christian Creator, but your opportunity to repent and come aboard will immediately flee the second Jesus returns for His saved Christians. And nobody (including Jesus) but Jehovah knows the hour of His Son’s return.

I’d rather become a Christian and later find out it was a false faith, than to sans the Christianity and later find out it was valid. The former gives you the possibility of a Heavenly resting place; the ladder leaves no doubt–Hell hath no rest!