More guns in the hands of more teachers. That’s how to solve mass shootings in our American schools–so advocates Mr. Trump. Yeah, right. His advice is not surprising coming from an NRA supporter. Moreover, why don’t we just arm everyone and then we can all fend for ourselves? The Wild West revisited. More guns doesn’t mean more safety. They mean less! Much less. Exponentially less.

It’s not just our school children at risk anymore but us adults too. If we dare venture out to any public place where people congregate to do normal activities were vulnerable to attack. It’s a sad commentary on American living when the strongest nation on Earth can’t get a handle on the hate that destroys us from within. Let’s resort to doing the obvious–making guns less accessible–especially to the criminal element and get rid of the hate rhetoric that Mr. Trump tweets and says about anyone who opposes his way of “stinking” thinking.

First and foremost, background checks for every potential gun purchaser–no exceptions–period. Secondly, eliminate semi-automatic and automatic assault style rifle purchase immediately. But doing so might cut into AR-15 and the like rifle sales and the NRA will have none of that. Are our “hunters” such lousy shooters that they need multi-round access to down a defenseless deer?

Most Americans easily choose their children (little shinning stars) over guns. The NRA thinks differently. They have a constitutional right to bear and amass arms–just in case our government goes rouge. Yeah, right again. Fat chance we common folk have against a bully Trump government. He’d throw his mother under the bus if need be. Donald shakes hands with Mr. Inhumanity himself, Kim Jong Um, and similes simultaneously. Is there any doubt why the Russians wanted Trump president? They figured it was to their advantage–not ours!

I guess I’d better shut up now or risk the hotter water of the Evangelicals, who according to certain Netflix movies (The Family in particular) hold Trump as God ordained. Trump can say he’s a Christian, but until I see some substantial Christian walk evidence, I’ll continue to disbelieve his frequent lies and cringe at his arrogant behavior towards the less fortunate. In addition, I don’t read in my bible about any special so–called ruling group of elevated Christians. Elders of the Christian Body of Christ in any particular location are as high–end as it gets. And they are to have zero connection (influence) with any other elders of any other Bodies of Christ elsewhere.

Besides, Christ came to establish a spiritual Kingdom, not a physical one. Christ Kingdom is not of this world. You can’t force anyone to accept Christ no matter what level of political power structure you have at your disposal. The Crusades stand as an example of the futility of a power play to make men obey. Christian obedience comes from the love and gratitude Christians have for Christ’s saving grace. Do I hear an “Amen” from any of you Christians out there–wherever?