In the recent Helsinki meeting with Putin, President Trump stated that he believed that Putin was telling the truth about no Russian interference in the past US election process over a commanding denial by America’s intelligence personnel. Trump was called down for this by many of his Washington peers.

Once again back in the USA, after having accessed the collateral damage, Trump reneged on the supporting statement he made on Putin’s behalf. He now claims to have misspoken. He has a track record of misspeaking. He praises the people he hires and vilifies them when they can no longer tolerate his being unqualified for the job. Think about it. Why did Russia want Trump over Clinton? Wasn’t it because they thought Trump could be better manipulated than her to their advantage? And Russia’s ace in the hole could still be the alleged Russian mafia bail-out of Trump’s bankruptcies.

Make America great again by getting rid of Donald Trump–the sooner, the better. But by using more respect for him (not that he deserves it), than he gives to anyone else he fires. I mean what kind of a person brags publicly that he calls an ex–employee a “dog”? Certainly not one that I would want for the president of my country.