Back in my NFL playing days (Steelers 1966-’69, KC Chiefs 1972), you would never have witnessed any ballplayers gesturing upwards with their arms and fingers suggesting a certain power and gratitude to an above Maker that is responsible for the player to play at his level best. It takes a certain humility in an athlete to acknowledge such a source of his own personal glory. My hat’s off to the modern players (21 Century) who openly display this symbolic spiritual gesture. Instead of using OMG as an expletive, I choose to place the letter forms in a position that would naturally reflect a player’s name. Seemed more appropriate.


Of course, any players exhibiting such upward, spiritual gestures most likely are Christians. That being said, only reinforces their return to their maker when He returns at the Rapture.

You’ll hopefully notice the different colorization of the letters forming Jesus’ name in the banner stretched between Tim Tebow’s (number 15) fingers. JES in red, takes our sin upon Himself). US in green, represents a continued after-live existence without sin encompassing us.

FYI: I’ve used this colored JESUS split in letter forms for years inĀ  the past, only to see it recently displayed in a different color combination on a TV commercial. I’m just saying……