The “See Gold City” signs in the background is a takeoff on the “See Rock City” signs that still permeate a good bit of the South. The latter sign used to be a big attraction decades ago, but still seems to hold its own today.

There are several passages in scripture and Christian songs that refer to the City of Gold–Heaven. Revelations says that Heaven’s streets will be paved with gold. We here on Earth think that having a preponderance of gold makes us feel wealthy and secure (especially so against a falling stock market).

But when God (figuratively speaking) paves the streets of Heaven with gold, He’s trying to tell us how insignificant He looks upon one of the most precious commodities we value. God sees gold as so much asphalt. That’s how unimportant it is–to Him.

And likewise, it should be that unimportant to us (Christians) also. Don’t long for heaven because you think you want to see silver and gold. “Stuff” doesn’t make Heaven beautiful–God’s presents does, and your service and devotion to Him. Anticipate that your Earthly crowns of gold will be thrown under the bus at Jesus’ feet. Don’t let this “stuff” of Earth compete for your allegiance to God. Heaven isn’t about duplicated things that God created, but about the person of God Himself. Remember, the builder of the house is always greater than the house itself. Think like King David, who longed for the relationship with God that was promised to him by his God.

Ok, admittedly, that’s a triple, overlapping Usain St. Leo Bolt silhouette pointing, first to himself, for him (you) to go seek and save, and secondly, in which direction Jesus will take the ones you helped save back to His Father, Jehovah. I chose a tranquil farm setting because they always seems to put me in a peaceful state of mind. Similar to the one I envision experiencing in the Heaven– permanently.