Are we Christians testing God’s protective custody (with scripture like psalm 91 for instance) by assembling in church too quickly after the federal government (Trump in particular) has almost mandated (over many state governors’ oppositions) that we promptly open up America again. In places where Americans have taken the liberty to assemble without any regard to social distancing and mask wearing, COVID’s numbers are ever increasing. Jesus didn’t test His Father’s protective custody while being tempted in the wilderness by Satan, and neither should we.

Yes, we still should pray for deliverance from diseases and pandemics, but it flies in the face of God’s warning about not testing Him, for us Christians to think that we are immune to being affected by COVID–19 simply because we are assembling in His name. Yes, God can and may choose to deliver us Christians from extreme adversity (like Daniel in the Lions’ den), but voluntarily placing ourselves in harm’s way when it’s not absolutely necessary that we do so (because we can virtually meet till it’s much safer) is, in my way of thinking, asking for too much of God’s protection when simple logic would suffice.

Now, I’m thinking way ahead to football season. Will the players wear masks, or might it be optional? Would the Christian players be more comfortable playing by believing they are not as vulnerable to COVID–19 simply because of God’s protective custody (Psalm 91, for instance)? Would there be a lottery to pick a limited number of fans to attend games and maintain proper social distancing?

And if, by chance, the stadiums are empty when the games are contested, how will the lack of fans in the stands affect player performance? (Back when I played for the Steelers (1966–69), we never had more than half of Pitt Stadium filled (because we player so poorly, I suppose), and it never affected my playing–still mediocre! You know what, mediocre players are just as important (if not more) than you’re stellar players. If everybody was a Tom Brady caliber player, then Tom Brady wouldn’t look so good now would he? Just surmising, I guess (more like rationalizing, Larry). Yeah, right.