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Perpetual Burn

I’ve got a neighborhood friend who I would call a very quirky, installation artist. He enlightened me to “Burning Man,” which is an event taking place every few…

Lethal Peace

The red, civil defense/peace symbol has been placed within the confines of a stylized James Bond gun barrel–and for good reason. It seems almost every other time I…

The GOP Giveth and They Taketh Away

The GOP boys strive to pass legislation favoring the rights of the unborn. This is a good thing in my eyes, and I believe, in the Lord’s also….

Burn Notice

I’ve got a neighborhood friend who I would call a very quirky, installation artist. He enlightened me to “Burning Man,” which is an event taking place every few…

Stayin’ Alive

Stayin’ Alive, obviously evolved from electronic crosswalk signals. Here, we see two Ukrainian church-going members(?) seeking to put an end to the Russian Ukrainian war. The male figure…

Cheek, Body, and Soul

Just because an eye for an eye is stated in the Old Testament, certainly doesn’t mean we should adhere to it in the New. In fact, Jesus says…

Seventh Heaven

Back in my NFL playing days (Steelers 1966-’69, KC Chiefs 1972), you would never have witnessed any ballplayers gesturing upwards with their arms and fingers suggesting a certain…

Kiss-Off, Putin

Those blown-off, chocolate kiss dome shapes may represent Putin pushing the Kremlin’s nuclear buttons as a last resort to save his military face. But within minutes he’s be…

Mime Over Matter

This Image is representative of the many children (orphaned and not) who were shipped out of Ukrainian cities (especially Bucha) as the Russians approached. These children ere not…

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