OK, I’m going to come right out and say what (almost) everyone who is vaccinated won’t voice for fear of stepping on someone’s liberty: “Choosing not to receive the COVID-19 shot should be a crime (misdemeanor and/or greater) since it puts into jeopardy the very lives of all mankind.” After all, if you want your kid to attend elementary school, here in the United States of America, you’re going to have to get them immunized for the childhood diseases. Not only for their protection, but for others around them also. How is COVID-19 any different? It ‘s different in its extraordinary scope and magnitude, and if left unchecked (by no-vaxxers and/or lack of supply) has the potential to become a modern Black Plague–so I reason.

Shouldn’t the law say the potential for not infecting others is the responsibility of every citizen of every nation. I liken it to sleeping with someone who has lied to you that they aren’t HIV positive. Who knowingly sleeps with a person who holds (can give) a sentence of death over you? And with the present pandemic, close encounters of any kind can literally kill you. Physical contact isn’t necessary.

It’s time to man-up by masking-up (again), shots or no shots, until the Delta variant peters out. Doesn’t it seem ironic that the majority of the people that refuse to get poked, are usually the same people that refuse to wear a protective mask. Double jeopardy. Go figure. And we in America still haven’t reached herd immunity with an abundance of vaccine available, while third world countries are literally dying for shots. We should be ashamed.