It’s common knowledge and belief for likely the majority of Americans that during Trump’s presidency he told well over 30, 000 false or misleading claims. Oh, by the way, half-truths are the MO of Satan.

Now he’s projecting an early next year opening of his new social media called, would you believe, “TRUTH.” That title is the most far-fetched, ironical name that could be attributed to Trump. How can any intelligent being believe such a buffoon would actually–out of the clear blue sky–start telling the truth after having established such an opposite track record?

Trump took Hitler’s play book of incessantly repeating lies until they start being believed as truth or at the very least–half-truths. And he’s going to attempt to buffalo Americans once again by using his social media to bamboozle his way into the White House again in 2024. Republicans, two wrongs, don’t make a right. Republicans, please nominate a different candidate in 2024. The candidate’s good character should be the most important quality–period