At first glance you might not notice that the barn silos second as missiles with atomic warhead warnings. The barns themselves are being “all shook up” (their registrations that is) by the thrusting missile engines. No matter, because these missiles have turned into plowshares (crayons) for creativity, instead of vehicles for war and destruction. (ref: Isaiah 2:4)

The superpowers of late (the US) and the Russians have chosen to break with the present treaty which limited the number of missiles a superpower could stockpile. Listen, we don’t need more WMD’s to do mankind in. Our continued proliferation of guns in America provides enough evidence that we Americans can’t even elect a president who cares enough about all its citizens to control the means that most people use to do others in. It’s like the Wild West all over again. When did, “Do it to others before they do it to you,” become the rule rather than the exception?

Jesus got rid of all the evildoers once (via the Flood), and He promised to do it again at the end of the age. But the evildoers (me too, before being saved) won’t cease to exist because they have been gotten rid of. They will have a consciousness (in some kind of a physical body) in an eternal hell where they will experience pain and suffering forever. Think of the worst torture here on earth, and then multiply it exponentially. Isn’t that enough to scare the sin out of you?
But of course, you don’t scare sin out of your person, you call on Jesus to do it for you by the killing of your old self in water baptism. Amen?